Sunday, January 4, 2009

Aloe Vera

ALOE VERA (Aloe vera syn. A. barbadensis)
(Burn Plant, Medicine Plant, Bardados aloe,
Curacao aloe)Cultivation - Very well drained soil in the sun

Propagation - By offsets at all times of the year.
Aloe Vera rarely sets seeds

Harvest - Leaves are cut as they are required from
plants that are 2-3 years old. Sap is drained from
cut leaves

Dimensions - 60-90cm high. Infinate width



Internal - Chronic constipation (especially
following iron medication), poor appetite, digestive
problems, colitis and irritable bowel syndrome

External - Burns, scalds, sunburn, wounds,
eczema, psoriasis, acne, dermatitis, ulcers,
colonic irrigation and nail biting

**This plant is contraindicated during pregnancy and
when haemorrhoids are present. The leaves are a
strong purgative and requires great care over dosage,
so if you are planning to use this plant internally,
then it is advised to see a qualified practitioner.
Aloe vera may also cause miscarriage and serious
stomach upsets if used excessively. Aloe Vera comes
out via the breast milk, so it is to be avoided while
breastfeeding, if taken internally.

Magical - Protection, Prevention of household
accidents, Luck in the home


This plant is hung on houses in Africa to get rid of
evil and to encourage good luck. Aloe has been used
as far back as the fourth century BC. Apparently
Alexander the Great conquered Socotra in order to
secure supplies of Aloe Vera. The Aloe mentioned in
the Bible was not Aloe Vera but lignin aloes or
aloeswood (Aquilaria malaccensis).


Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott
Cunningham (ISBN
0875421229) Published by Llewellyn Publications

The Royal Horticultural Society New Encyclopedia of
Herbs and Their
Uses by Deni Bown (ISBN 0751333867) Published by DK

Disclaimer: This is for reference guide only.
Herbs can be used effectively for mild ailments but medical advice should be consulted first to rule out major illnesses.

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