Sunday, January 4, 2009


COLTSFOOT (Tussilago farfara)
(Ass's Foot, British Tobacco, Bull's Foot,
Butterbur, Coughwort)

Cultivation - Moist soil in sun or partial shade.
This plant is invasive so it is best kept in a pot

Propagation - Seed sown in Spring. Division in
Spring or Autumn

Harvest - Leaves are cut when fully grown. Flowers
are picked as they bud or when they first open

Dimensions - 30cm high. Indefinate width.



Internal - Coughs, asthma, whooping cough,
catarrh, bronchitis and laryngitis

External - Ulcers, sores, eczema, insect bites
and skin inflammations

**The use of the leaf should be restricted to 3-4
week treatments. Contraindicated during pregnancy and

Culinary - Young leaves, flower buds and newly
opened flowers can be used raw in salads, soups and
teas and imparts a slightly salty taste. Flowers have
been used traditionally in country wine making

Magical - Love, Visions


This herb can be added to love satchets and spells
involving peace and tranquility. The leaves when
smoked can cause visions. In the 19th century, there
was known to be a variegated cultivar, but this has
been since lost to cultivation. Tussilago is from the
Latin word 'tussis' which translates to 'cough',
hence its use for many coughing illnesses. Pliny
(AD23-79) suggested that this herb be thrown over
cypress charcoal and the resultant smoke swallowed
instead of inhaled for the relief of coughs.


Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott
Cunningham (ISBN 0875421229) Published by Llewellyn Publications

The Royal Horticultural Society New Encyclopedia of
Herbs and Their Uses by Deni Bown (ISBN 0751333867) Published by DK

The Essential Herb Garden (Growing and Using Herbs
in Australia) by Gilian Painter (ISBN 1854290455)
Published by Millennium Books

Disclaimer: This is for reference guide only.
Herbs can be used
effectively for mild ailments but medical advice
should be consulted
first to rule out major illnesses.

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