Sunday, January 4, 2009

Curry Bush

CURRY BUSH (Helichrysum angustifolium syn. H.
italicum 'Curry Plant')

(Everlasting Flower)

Cultivation - Light, well drained soil in full
sun. Cut back to within 2.5cm of previous year's
growth in Spring

Propagation - Seed sown in Spring. Semi-ripe
cuttings in Summer

Flowers - appear early in Summer

Harvest - Sprigs are picked in Summer

Dimensions - 40cm high. 75cm wide.


Culinary - Sprigs can be added to rice,
vegetables and egg dishes. The more you cook this
herb the less flavour it will impart

Magical - None found


This plant should not be confused with the Curry Leaf
Plant or Curry Plant (Murraya koenigii) as this is the
plant which is used to create true Curry. As a
garnish though it can be used as a mild substitute and
it really does smell divine on a hot summer night
wafting through the garden. This plant belongs to the
Helichrysum family which produce 'everlasting'
flowers. One thing to note with the Curry Bush though
is that the flowers do not fully open until they are
cut from the bush. The name originated from the Greek
words 'helios' meaning sun and 'chrysos' meaning
golden, referring to the flower colour.


The Royal Horticultural Society New Encyclopedia
of Herbs and Their Uses by Deni Bown (ISBN
0751333867) Published by DK

Disclaimer: This is for reference guide only.
Herbs can be used effectively for mild ailments but
medical advice should be consulted first to rule out
major illnesses.

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